Meet Dr. Tim & Melissa
Meet Dr. Tim & Melissa

Keystone Chiropractic was founded in 2014. You may be asking “did it used to be on Keystone Ave?” No, The name Keystone Chiropractic was given to them when they lived in Georgia after praying and seeking God about the name of their practice.
“You see, Jesus is why we do what we do. He is everything to us. He is who holds our marriage together. He is who gives us life and why we do what we do. Without Jesus nothing would make sense and life really wouldn’t have meaning. A Keystone is the most important stone in an arch and without it the arch would fall. Jesus is our Keystone and why we named our practice Keystone Chiropractic.”
Dr. T is a proud native of Indiana, and grew up in South Bend. He is passionate about: Jesus, his family, chiropractic, exercising, hunting, and working with his hands which can be anything from building something to fixing something. He works side-by-side with his wife, Melissa, who is the office administrator. Melissa is also a native of Indiana and grew up in Mishawaka. They have 4 daughters and a son who was just born in August 2024. All their kids were home births and Dr. T caught them all!
Both Melissa and Dr. T are coffee lovers and animals. They have a German Shepherd named Judah, as well as a Siberian Forest cat named Job. Together they are on a mission to shine Jesus by serving people to feel better, heal better, and live better through a well-adjusted life.
“ We have a unique practice that you don’t run across a lot now days. We have two locations and no staff. When you walk in you get us! We miss the days of small mom and pop businesses that when you walked in, you felt at home. We have kept our practice like that. We feel when people come in they are less apprehensive and more comfortable asking questions which many times ends in us praying with them.”

“We love what we do and consider our practice our second family. We both believe chiropractic care can benefit anyone of any age no matter what they have or don’t have going on!”
We want people to feel comfortable in our practice, a place where you can be relaxed and free from stress.”
Dr. T & Melissa had never been under chiropractic care growing up. Dr. T was the first to go while he was dating Melissa and his world was completely changed when he started experiencing health changes that he thought only pills or drugs could help. Melissa had been suffering from severe digestive issues as well as severe anxiety for years. Both of them experienced tremendous health changes and decided to quit their established careers to pursue what it would take to open a chiropractic office. Both Dr. T and Melissa no longer struggle with health issues they used to suffer from daily.
Their journey started in 2006 when Dr. T first started chiropractic care and now fast forward 17 years…their heart & passion is to share how we may help serve this beautiful community and all the surrounding cities with specific, scientific, chiropractic care!
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him
Colossians 3:17